
Monday, January 25, 2010

Opening a POP UP window in OAF

There was a requirement to show a POP UP window which opens a static html file when a perticular OAF page is displayed. To achieve this sort of requirement wherein a window needs to be opened automatically each time visiting a page do the followings,

1. Create your html file and put it in $OA_HTML in OA Application tier.
2. Bounce Apache
3. Turn on the personalization at your user level in Oracle apps through profile option: Personalize Self-Service Defn
4. Go the the page where you want the AUTO POP UP window to be opened > Click "Personalize Page" link at upper right corner > Select the "Complete View" radio button
5. In the Page Layout (as the POP UP window needs to be opened when this page opens) for this page click the "Create Item" link
6. In the create Item window do the followings,
Level: Depending on your requirement (If all the time then Function level otherwise Site level)
Item Style: "Raw Text"
ID: Enter an unique item ID e.g. (XX_WELCOME)
In the above string replace the following with your implementation,
YOUR_ORACLE_APP_HOST: This will be your application URL through which you access oracle apps
PORT_NUMBER: Your Application server PORT number
your_html: This is your HTML file name
WINDOW_TITLE: Enter your window title here
ATTRIBUTES: POP UP Window attributes like scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes etc

Put the above in script tag otherwise it would not work. Somehow this site is removing those tags from my post may be due to security reasons.

7. Save your seetings.
8. POP UP window should open now whenever you go the above page. If it does not open then check your POP UP blocker setting and allow your application in the list.


  1. Hi ,

    I have a similar requirement in my project.

    I have added a link in a standard page which opens a custom page.

    But I am getting one warning as below when I save the standard page
    "Action did not succeed due to the use of the browser navigation buttons. The page has been refreshed. Any un-saved changes may have been lost."

    Could you help me on this.


  2. This is excellent document, I use it and really appreciate your efforts.


  3. Hello Sridevi,

    My name is Khaled, im from Algeria, i work in DJEZZY as ERP Administrator (Oracle EBS 12.1.3), my question is :

    we have a flexfield (N Compte) developped in oracle purchasing (attribute4 for ap_supplier_sites_all), we need to create a box html that check the new input of this flexfield, the display message will be in this format:
    another supplier with this compte number exist in the system, do you want to continue (YES/NO)

    the flexfield has been configured in oracle forms, and it is displayed in oracle html page OAF.

    you find in below the position of flexfield and the new request format.

    This is the flexfield developped in oaf page :

    The request : when we do update in the flexfield (N Compte), it compare the new value with the value exists in database, if the value exists than a new dialog box appears

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